Enhanced sporadic E occurrence rates during the Geminid meteor showers 2006–2010
Abstract. Northern Hemisphere midlatitude sporadic E (Es) layer occurrence rates derived from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS radio occultation (RO) measurements during the Geminid meteor showers 2006–2010 are compared with meteor rates obtained with the Collm (51.3° N, 13.0° E) VHF meteor radar. In most years, Es rates increase after the shower, with a short delay of few days. This indicates a possible link between meteor influx and the production of metallic ions that may form Es. There is an indication that the increase propagates downward, probably partly caused by tidal wind shear. However, the correlation between Es rates and meteor flux varies from year to year. A strong correlation is found especially in 2009, while in 2010 Es rates even decrease during the shower. This indicates that additional processes significantly influence Es occurrence also during meteor showers. A possible effect of the semidiurnal tide is found. During years with weaker tidal wind shear, the correlation between Es and meteor rates is even weaker.