Articles | Volume 8
30 Sep 2010
 | 30 Sep 2010

Numerical dosimetric calculations for in vitro field expositions in the THz frequency range

C. Jastrow, T. Kleine-Ostmann, and T. Schrader

Abstract. Field exposition experiments have been initiated by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz – BfS) to examine genotoxic effects of THz radiation in vitro. Two different human skin cell types are exposed to continuous-wave radiation at six distinct frequencies between 100 GHz and 2.52 THz originating from different sources of THz radiation under defined environmental conditions. The cell containers are irradiated with free space power flux densities between 0.1 mW/cm2 and 2 mW/cm2 measured traceable to the SI units. For meaningful results, dosimetric calculations using the finite differences time-domain method have been performed in order to access the fields and consequently the specific absorption rate (SAR) in the cell layer.
