Articles | Volume 15
21 Sep 2017
 | 21 Sep 2017

Implementation of envelope detection based Wake-Up Receiver for IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN from off-the-shelf components

Josua Arndt, Lukas Krystofiak, Vahid Bonehi, Ralf Wunderlich, and Stefan Heinen

Abstract. Power consumption in wireless networks is crucial. In most scenarios the transmission time is short compared to the idle listening time for data transmission, the most power is consumed by the receiver. In low latency systems there is a need for low power wake-up receivers (WuRx) that reduce the power consumption when the node is idle, but keep it responsive. This work presents a WuRx designed out of commercial components to investigate the needs of a WuRx when it is embedded in a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) system in a real environment setup including WLAN and LTE communication and considering interferer rejection. The calculation necessary for the attenuation of those interferers is explained in detail. Furthermore, a system design is presented that fulfills the requirements for this environment and is build from off-the-shelf components.

Short summary
Power consumption in wireless networks is crucial. In most scenarios the transmission time is short compared to the idle listening time for data transmission, the most power is consumed by the receiver. In low latency systems there is a need for low power wake-up receivers (WuRx) that reduce the power consumption when the node is idle, but keep it responsive. This work presents a WuRx designed out of commercial components to investigate the needs of a WuRx when it is embedded in a WPAN.