Karl Rawer plenary talk
Karl Rawer plenary talk
A. Electromagnetic metrology
A. Electromagnetic metrology
B. Fields and waves
B. Fields and waves
C. Radio communication systems and signal processing
C. Radio communication systems and signal processing
D. Electronics and photonics
D. Electronics and photonics
E. Electromagnetic environment and interference
E. Electromagnetic environment and interference
F. Wave propagation and remote sensing
F. Wave propagation and remote sensing
G. Ionospheric radio and propagation, H: Waves in plasmas, J: Radio astronomy
G. Ionospheric radio and propagation, H: Waves in plasmas, J: Radio astronomy
Special session terahertz technology
Special session terahertz technology
Special session statistical methods in EMC
Special session statistical methods in EMC
Addtional article
Addtional article