Articles | Volume 19
17 Dec 2021
 | 17 Dec 2021

A novel Technique for Improving the Angular Accuracy of Doppler VOR Receivers

Karsten Schubert, Jens Werner, and Jens Wellhausen

Data sets

IQ baseband data, IMU and GPS time stamps for orbital flight around Bremen Doppler VOR (1.0) Jens Werner, Karsten Schubert, Jens Wellhausen, Martin Kumm, Pascal Janßen, and Yannik Schildt

Short summary
D-VOR transmitters are used as navigation aids in aviation. In an airborne navigation receiver, a directional information (azimuth angle) related to the position of the aircraft and the location of the transmitter can be derived. In this work, the bearing accuracy of current methods is investigated. The proposed new method reduces noise and thus yields a significant increase in accuracy. Finally, the application of this new method to real measured signals confirms the theoretical expectations.