Articles | Volume 13
03 Nov 2015
 | 03 Nov 2015

Validation of the radiation pattern of the VHF MST radar MAARSY by scattering off a sounding rocket's payload

T. Renkwitz, C. Schult, R. Latteck, and G. Stober

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Ann. Geophys., 42, 29–43,,, 2024
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Long-term trends of midlatitude horizontal mesosphere/lower thermosphere winds over four decades
Christoph Jacobi, Ales Kuchar, Toralf Renkwitz, and Juliana Jaen
Adv. Radio Sci., 21, 111–121,,, 2023
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Long-term studies of the summer wind in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at middle and high latitudes over Europe
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Ground-based noontime D-region electron density climatology over northern Norway
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Long-term studies of mesosphere and lower-thermosphere summer length definitions based on mean zonal wind features observed for more than one solar cycle at middle and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere
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Cited articles

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Latteck, R., Singer, W., Rapp, M., Vandepeer, B., Renkwitz, T., Zecha, M., and Stober, G.: The new MST radar on Andøya: System description and first results, Radio Science, 47, RS1006,, 2012.