Spectrum management and compatibility studies with Python
Cited articles
3GPP: Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz, Technical report TR 38.901, The 3rd Generation Partnership Project, Sophia Antipolis, 2017.
Astropy Collaboration, Robitaille, T. P., Tollerud, E. J., Greenfield, P., Droettboom, M., Bray, E., Aldcroft, T., Davis, M., Ginsburg, A., Price-Whelan, A. M., Kerzendorf, W. E., Conley, A., Crighton, N., Barbary, K., Muna, D., Ferguson, H., Grollier, F., Parikh, M. M., Nair, P. H., Unther, H. M., Deil, C., Woillez, J., Conseil, S., Kramer, R., Turner, J. E. H., Singer, L., Fox, R., Weaver, B. A., Zabalza, V., Edwards, Z. I., Azalee Bostroem, K., Burke, D. J., Casey, A. R., Crawford, S. M., Dencheva, N., Ely, J., Jenness, T., Labrie, K., Lim, P. L., Pierfederici, F., Pontzen, A., Ptak, A., Refsdal, B., Servillat, M., and Streicher, O.: Astropy: A community Python package for astronomy, A&A, 558, A33, https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201322068, 2013.
Behnel, S., Bradshaw, R., Citro, C., Dalcin, L., Seljebotn, D., and Smith, K.: Cython: The Best of Both Worlds, Comput. Sci. Eng., 13, 31–39, https://doi.org/10.1109/MCSE.2010.118, 2011.
ECC: Description of the software tool for processing of measurements data of IRIDIUM satellites at the Leeheim station, Technical report ECC Report 247, Electronic Communications Committee, Copenhagen, 2016a.
ECC: Seamcat Handbook Edition 2, Technical report ECC Report 252, Electronic Communications Committee, Copenhagen, 2016b.