Articles | Volume 22
27 Aug 2024
 | 27 Aug 2024

Comparison of Inductive and Capacitive End Couplings in the Design of a Combline Microwave Cavity Filter for the E1 Galileo Band

Enrico Boni, Giacomo Giannetti, Stefano Maddio, and Giuseppe Pelosi

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Boni, E., Giannetti, G., and Maddio, S.: Design of a combline microwave cavity filter for the E1 Galileo band, in: Proceedings of the XXIV Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, 18–21 September 2022, Catania, Italy, Università di Catania, 1–5, (last access: 22 August 2024), 2022. a
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Boni, E., Giannetti, G., Maddio, S., and Pelosi, G.: An Equation-based Method for the Design of End Couplings in Combline Microwave Cavity Filters, in: 2023 IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag., 23–28 July 2023, Portland (OR), USA, IEEE, 1473–1474,, 2023b. a, b
Short summary
The manuscript is about the design and experimental characterization of microwave filters to be used for satellite communication, especially for the E1 Galileo band. To feed the filter with microwave power, inductive and capacitive coupling schemes are adopted and compared. The measurement results show a good agreement with simulated ones. The outcome of this research is to compare the inductive and capacitive coupling schemes in the design of combline cavity filters.