Articles | Volume 22
11 Sep 2024
 | 11 Sep 2024

The Long Road to Entertainment Radio Broadcasting in Germany

Wolfgang Mathis

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Cited articles

Anonymous: An Act To regulate radio communication, PUBLIC-No. 264., S. 6412, 13 August, 1912. a
Anonymous: Ein neues Sowjetangebot an Polen: Ein Rundfunk der Sowjetrgierung richtete sich an die polnische Regierung, Sächsische Dorfzeitung, Nr. 16, p. 2, 1 February, 1920. a
Bartlett, R. A.: The World of Ham Radio 1901–1950, A Social History, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publ., Jefferson, N.C., US, and London, UK, ISBN-13: 978-1476662756, 2007. a, b
Berger, K.: Hallo! Hallo! Hier Eberswalde! – Die Versuchsstation für drahtlose Telegraphie in Eberswalde, Museum in der Adler-Apotheke, Eberswalde, Germany, 1998. a, b
de Boer, P. A.: à Steringa Idzerda - De Pionier van de Radio-Omroep, De Muiderkring N.V., Bussum, The Netherlands, ISBN-10: 90-72105-04-4, 1969. a, b
Short summary
This article deals with the relatively late introduction of entertainment radio in Germany compared to other technically advanced countries. Following current broadcasting history, the German Post Office was initially interested in the commercial use of wireless technology after the end of the First World War. Due to the success of entertainment radio in the USA and UK, there were demands from industry and radio amateurs for its opening in Germany as well, which finally happened with a delay.