Articles | Volume 22
06 Sep 2024
 | 06 Sep 2024

A Numerical Alternative for 3D Addition Theorems Based on the Bilinear Form of the Dyadic Green's Function and the Equivalence Principle

Giacomo Giannetti and Ludger Klinkenbusch

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Comparison of Inductive and Capacitive End Couplings in the Design of a Combline Microwave Cavity Filter for the E1 Galileo Band
Enrico Boni, Giacomo Giannetti, Stefano Maddio, and Giuseppe Pelosi
Adv. Radio Sci., 22, 1–8,,, 2024
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
The paper focuses on computational electromagnetics. To reduce the computation burden, the domain is divided into smaller subdomains that are solved separately. A feature of such a scheme is the expression of the multipole expansion in one subdomain due to the sources placed in another subdomain. This work analyzes an alternative method to do this task. Now, the subdomains enclosing the antennas can have an arbitrary shape, hence reducing the distances between the antennas and the scatterers.