Articles | Volume 14
28 Sep 2016
 | 28 Sep 2016

Implementation of a digital evaluation platform to analyze bifurcation based nonlinear amplifiers

Sven Feldkord, Marco Reit, and Wolfgang Mathis

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Discretization analysis of bifurcation based nonlinear amplifiers
Sven Feldkord, Marco Reit, and Wolfgang Mathis
Adv. Radio Sci., 15, 43–47,,, 2017
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
Recently, nonlinear amplifiers based on the Andronov–Hopf bifurcation have become a focus of attention in modeling of the mammalian hearing organ. We present a flexible framework implemented on a DSP to analyze various bifurcation based amplifiers to get deeper insights in their nonlinear input-output behavior. A comparison shows the Neimark–Sacker amplifier remarkably outperforms the Andronov–Hopf amplifier regarding the CPU usage.