Towards a Spectral Method of Moments using Computer Aided Design
Stefan Kurz,Sebastian Schöps,and Felix Wolf
Stefan Kurz
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institute for Accelerator Science and Electromagnetic Fields and Centre for Computational Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institute for Accelerator Science and Electromagnetic Fields and Centre for Computational Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institute for Accelerator Science and Electromagnetic Fields and Centre for Computational Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany
We present first numerical examples of how the framework of isogeometric boundary element methods, in
the context of electromagnetism also known as method of moments, can be used to achieve higher accuracies by elevation of the degree of basis functions. Our numerical examples demonstrate the computation of the electric field in the exterior domain.
We present first numerical examples of how the framework of isogeometric boundary element...