Articles | Volume 15
25 Oct 2017
 | 25 Oct 2017

Results of an intercomparison for electric field strength measurements within the German calibration service

Reiner Pape, Uwe Karsten, Frank-Michael Lindner, Frank Rittmann, Joachim von Freeden, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, and Thorsten Schrader

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We discuss the results of an intercomparison for electric field strength measurements within the DKD. The comparison has been carried out on the field strength value required to reach a display reading of 20 V m−1 of the field probes. While the results agree well for the small field probe and when the larger commercial 3-axis field probe is oriented in the direction of the magnetic field, larger deviations occur, when the larger 3-axis field probe is oriented into the direction propagation.