Articles | Volume 14
28 Sep 2016
 | 28 Sep 2016

Results of an intercomparison for free space antenna factor measurements within the German Calibration Service (DKD)

Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, Frank Huncke, Dieter Schwarzbeck, Otto Martetschläger, Jürgen Gaßner, Andreas Guserle, Christian Römer, Thomas Hufnagel, Mario Lehmann, Uwe Karsten, and Thorsten Schrader

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Cited articles

ANSI C63.5: American National Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility – Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Control – Calibration of Antennas (9 kHz to 40 GHz), 2006.
ANSI/IEEE 149-1979: IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Antennas, December 2002.
CISPR 16-1-6: Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1–6: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – EMC antenna calibration, 2014.
Cox, M. G.: The evaluation of key comparison data, Metrologia, 39, 589–595, 2002.
GUM: Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, GUM 1995 (with minor corrections), JCGM 100, 2008.
Short summary
In this paper we discuss the results of an intercomparison for free space antenna factor measurements. Three different types of antennas covering the frequency range from 30 MHz to 26.5 GHz have been calibrated in five different laboratories using different methods and calibration sites. The results agree well within the uncertainties specified by the laboratories suggesting that different approaches and different measurement sites to obtain the free space antenna factor are well compatible.