Articles | Volume 14
28 Sep 2016
 | 28 Sep 2016

Extended measurement setup for transient TEM waveguide characterization

Niklas Briest, Heyno Garbe, and Stefan Potthast

Related authors

Transmission characteristics of a TEM waveguide for transient signals by the use of a damped sinusoidal
N. Briest, H. Garbe, and S. Potthast
Adv. Radio Sci., 13, 175–179,,, 2015
Short summary

Cited articles

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Briest, N., Garbe, H., and Potthast, S.: Transmission characteristics of a TEM waveguide for transient signals by the use of a damped sinusoidal, Adv. Radio Sci., 13, 175–179,, 2015.
Hamann, D. and Garbe, H.: Enhanced Estimates of Field Distribution's Uncertainty Contribution for TEM Waveguide, 13th IEEE Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Raleigh, USA, 3–8 August, 2014
Kärst, J. P.: Qualifikation beladener TEM-Wellenleiter, PhD-Thesis, GEM, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany, 2002
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Short summary
The validation of GTEM cells, which are an established alternative for an open area testside and are used for electromagnetic emission and susceptibilty tests, is performed in time domain with a specifiedl transient pulse with a double exponential shape. This paper provides a new validation method, wich is applicable for any transient pulse and presents further investigations of a GTEM cell in frequency domain.