Articles | Volume 14
28 Sep 2016
 | 28 Sep 2016

Risk analysis with a fuzzy-logic approach of a complex installation

Tim Peikert, Heyno Garbe, and Stefan Potthast

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Cited articles

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Genender, E., Mleczko, M., Döring, O., Garbe, H., and Potthast, S.: Fault tree analysis for system modeling in case of intentional EMI, Adv. Radio Sci., 9, 297–302,, 2011a.
Short summary
The paper presents a statistical approach to estimate the risk of an electronic system to intentional electromagnetic interference. The keywords Smart Grid, Industry 4.0 and Internet of Thinks leads to complex system with many dependencies between each electronic system. A faultless function of that complex systems is needed, which is achieved only with a cost efficent protection. That only can achieved with a stastical estimation of the risk to find the weakest link in the chain.