Articles | Volume 17
19 Sep 2019
 | 19 Sep 2019

High-resolution signal-in-space measurements of VHF omnidirectional ranges using UAS

Thorsten Schrader, Jochen Bredemeyer, Marius Mihalachi, David Ulm, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, Christoph Stupperich, Sergei Sandmann, and Heyno Garbe

Related authors

Design of a continuously tunable reflectarray element for 5G metrology in the k-band
Thomas Harz, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, and Thorsten Schrader
Adv. Radio Sci., 18, 1–5,,, 2020
Results of the national antenna intercomparison 2017/2018 within the German Calibration Service (Deutscher Kalibrierdienst – DKD)
David Ulm, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, and Thorsten Schrader
Adv. Radio Sci., 17, 35–44,,, 2019
Short summary
Results from the national intercomparison for rise time and bandwidth measurements within the German Calibration Service (Deutscher Kalibrierdienst – DKD)
Kai Baaske, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, and Thorsten Schrader
Adv. Radio Sci., 17, 45–49,,, 2019
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Results of an intercomparison for electric field strength measurements within the German calibration service
Reiner Pape, Uwe Karsten, Frank-Michael Lindner, Frank Rittmann, Joachim von Freeden, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, and Thorsten Schrader
Adv. Radio Sci., 15, 243–248,,, 2017
Short summary
Exposure Setup and Dosimetry for a Study on Effects of Mobile Communication Signals on Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells in vitro
Martina Rohland, Kai Baaske, Katharina Gläser, Henning Hintzsche, Helga Stopper, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, and Thorsten Schrader
Adv. Radio Sci., 15, 207–213,,, 2017
Short summary

Cited articles

Balanis, C.: Antenna Theory – Analysis and Design, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 
BMWi: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, available at: Redaktion/DE/Downloads/zeitreihen-zur-entwicklung-der-erneuerbaren-energien-in-deutschland-1990-2016.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=12 (last access: 30 January 2019), 2016. 
Bredemeyer, B. and Schrader, T.: Employing UAS to Perform Low Altitude Navaids Measurements, International Flight Inspection Symposium (IFIS), Monterey, California, 2018a. 
Bredemeyer, J. and Schrader, T.: Signal-in-space Measurements using Microcopters, 19th International Flight Inspection Symposium (IFIS), Belgrade, Serbia, Conference Proceedings, 2016. 
Bredemeyer, J. and Schrader, T.: Radar echoes of individual wind turbines measured in L, S and C band, Electromagnetic Waves and Wind Turbines, Delft, the Netherlands, 2018b. 
Short summary
To investigate the possible interference of wind turbines with terrestrial navigation aids and Radar systems, the signals of these systems have to measured in the air space used by aircrafts or being under surveillance, respectively. From the measurements performed in areas with and without wind turbines the influence of these on the signals of terrestrial navigation and/or Radars can be derived. Drone-based and state-of-the-art electronics were used for the measurements.